Friday, December 12, 2008

Final Grades and Christmas Parties

Ok, so yesterday I took my last test and turned in my last assignment for my undergraduate career. It is crazy, I didn't think I would feel so sentimental. But I do. I'm finally going to have my degree. Granted, it is not in anything I can actually get a job with, but still. A degree, nonetheless. So here's a rundown so far of what my final grades are (the ones that are posted) and what I think they are going to be:
African American Literature A- (posted)
Legal Aspects of Special Ed. A (posted)
Classroom Management A (I think)
Teaching Strategies: Science A (I'm pretty sure)
Teaching Strategies: SS A (I'm pretty sure, or A- at the least)

I can't believe that all my grades haven't posted. Ok, so for my final assignment in my Science Strategies class, I had to submit a lesson plan. I put that thing off as long as humanly possible. I ended up writing it yesterday morning (it was due last night at midnight) before I studied for my Special Ed. class. I didn't put a whole lot of time and effort in it per se, but I did have a pretty good idea of what I wanted. It all sort of came together, and I ended up with a 99% on it! I'm so glad, especially since I was stressing about it a little, since I procrastinated it so long.

So, Matt and I went to his ship's Christmas Party. It was in Downtown Norfolk at the Marriott. We ended up having a good time. The food was good, and the company was good. Then, I got a shock! One of my old friends from the Truman was there. Lidianna Young! We haven't seen eachother for such a long time. It was great to talk to her and just reconnect. It was so loud in the room, with the music blasting. I found out that she lives right down the street from me, and has for a couple years now. The reason she was there is her sister is a new LtJG on the Enterprise, so she brought her family. I was able to catch up on some gossip from the ship, which is always fun. Anyways, overall it was a great time. I wish now we had taken a picture of us. I was dressed up in the dress I bought for Chaz and Kristie's wedding, and Matt had his tux on. He looked sharp! And I kept getting compliments on my dress. Evidently, red is the IN color for this season. About half the girls there had bright red dresses on. I didn't get the memo, I guess, because I only had a nice black dress. :) It was a lot of fun, I'm glad we went. I'm not glad that we got home around midnight and Matt had duty the next we were up about 4 hours later to get him off to work.

Ok, well, that's about it. Hopefully we get the bathroom finished by Christmas, because we are going to have some guests! Marie just made a reservation at Chateau Emerson for three nights for two, maybe three people. Peggy, if you're reading this, we still have room for you guys, too. Tansy can grab a couch, and Lindsay, Maura, and Emily, too. Or we have air mattresses. It is my goal to have that bathroom completely done before the first guest arrives. If Peggy decides not to stay here, that is ok, too. But we'd sure love to have you guys if you decide to come down to visit.

Alrighty, then. I guess I should get up and about for the day, huh? It is almost noon and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet. But don't tell my husband. He is trying to make sure that I get a good breakfast in everyday. Sorry, Matt!


PS. Thank you to my brother Matt who got the first cards of the season sent out. I got a beautiful card from him that made me smile :) Matt, if you're reading this, you are too funny!

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