Saturday, December 18, 2010

It is gearing up....

to be a busy week for me. I NEED to get Christmas gifts for my students. I've been putting it off, but maybe today after my tutoring session I'll brave the weather (it's raining :) and the Christmas shoppers and get a little something for them all.
This next week will definitely be a busy one for me. I've got one 1.5 hour session and two 2 hour sessions scheduled for Monday; three 2 hour sessions and one 1.5 hour session scheduled for Tuesday; one 30 minute, one 1.5 hour, and one 2 hour session for Wednesday; and one 1.5 hour and one 1 hour session on Thursday. Let's see...that's 19.5 hours in one week! And I might have a couple more hours to schedule, depending on what some of my students' plans are.

Well, I guess I should probably get ready for the day...I have already done my lesson plan for today. We're going to talk about African Elephants, Skateboarding, and the Food Pyramid. :) My student is interested in becoming healthier, so I thought we could talk about nutrition and ways to become more active. He's only in 2nd grade, so I hesitate to say he needs to "get into shape" but he thinks he does. Maybe I can help him shift his thoughts into making healthier eating choices and wanting to become more physically active. He definitely shouldn't be obsessed about the numbers on the scale, but if he could make some small changes now, he could be a healthier adult in the least, that's what I'm thinking.

Well, off to the shower for me. Oh, yeah. AND it has been 4 years since Matt and I got married. In some ways, it seems longer than that. In others, it feels like just yesterday. I remember my wedding day-it was a gorgeous December day in Virginia Beach, with the sun shining and about 60 degree weather. Couldn't have asked for a better day. And the ceremony and reception were perfect. Thanks, Matt, for deciding to spend your life with me. It has been one wild and crazy adventure, and I'm looking forward to the future with hope and anticipation. It is already so good, and I know it will only get better. I can't wait! Love you!!!


1 comment:

  1. Happy 4th anniversary, Pam and Matt. I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!! Love, Lani
